What is required for acceptance that the supernatural has influened reality?

An intuitive understanding of the vibrational wave phenomenon and its cosmic pervasiveness is required for an acceptance that the supernatural has influenced reality.

An intuitive understanding that the cosmos is a beautiful tapestry is an excellent way to fathom the connection between the supernatural and reality.

It’s not necessary for people to know the structure involved in order to accept that the supernatural has influence over reality.

Reality is geometric in nature. The cosmos is characterized by a certain geometric structure associated with the golden mean.

The human being is equipped with a sense of the unseen which is sufficiently powerful on top of reasoning powers.

It’s called the intuition. The intuition and consciousness are connected via the geometric wave phenomenon that pervades throughout the entire cosmos.

The cosmos is comprised of waves of consciousness which we call magnetism. Magnetism is an invisible phenomenon that connects the unseen realm with the visible realm.

The center of intuition is the heart which is physically connected to the major organs via the vagus nerve.

Other than physical connection, the human being is connected with the rest of the cosmos via vibrational wave phenomenon which is centered at the heart.

The cosmos is an ocean of waves and humans by definition are wavelets in the cosmic ocean. As long as one keeps this perspective in mind, one will understand how the human being is connected with everything else in the cosmos. It’s a structural connection based on the pervasive torus structure of the cosmos.

The torus structure of the cosmos occurs at every level of the cosmos.

Magnetism is the stuff of the cosmos. Lest we be distracted by the details, let me add that nothing in the occurs by accident because there exist a conscious being who owns the cosmic ocean of waves.

As long as one is human, one is vibrationally connected to the cosmos.

The picture below shows the structure of the cosmos at every level.

As a human being, we are intimately connected with the cosmos via self similarity.

Even the CIA is into the study of the supernatural because of their interests in “remote viewing”.

The following represents the gist of the human being.

It is called the electrocardiogram which is a wave phenomenon. The fact that the electrocardiogram is structurally studied as a fractal phenomenon speaks volumes:

Further reading:



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