Why does determinism deny the existence of several phenomena, such as voluntary actions (free will) and stochastic processes?

 Distinguishing the difference between the realm of certainty and the realm of possibility - or contingent outcomes or simply contingency - is crucial for answering this question.

We begin with certainty or all-possibilities which is 100 percent.

We must recognize two vastly different and distinct realms of existence: the first is the realm of certainty, of all-possibilities, which is 100 percent of the total number of possibilities and the second is the realm - some - possibilities, or contingency, which is the domain of manifestations which constitute less than 100 percent because not every possibility is manifested in the realm of contingency.

The realm of certainty is associated with immutable principles and fractals while the realm of contingency is associated with manifestations and the physical realm which is characterized by decay and death.

In the realm of certainty, all events have been determined before hand.

In the realm of certainty, the domain of all possible occurrences lie within a fixed domain. The probability that any event occur within the realm of certainty or all possibilities is 100 percent.

On the other hand the manifestations of the occurrences which lie within the realm of contingency lie within the physical realm, is less than 100 percent.

Since not all possibilities within the realm of contingency are manifested, this realm is a subset of the realm of certainty. The probability of any event occurring within the realm of contingency is less than or equals to one hundred percent.

Stochastic outcomes which lie in the realm of contingency is a subset of the realm of certainty.

The choices we make everyday lie very much within the realm of all possible choices we can make and cannot lie outside the range of all possible choices.

Let’s take a down to earth example: When we step into the supermarket, our choices that we make is a subset of the choices made beforehand by the market analyst who studies patterns in consumer behavior.

The consumer believes that her/his choice is of her/his own free will but in reality, the supermarket analyst already knows her/his buying patterns beforehand and makes it certain that the consumer gets what s/he is looking for when s/he steps into the supermarket.

The following version of determinism is accurate: The realm of contingent choices lie very much within the realm of all possible - certain - choices.

I will briefly extend Plato’s theory of archetypes.

Archetypes lie within the realm of certainty. An archetype - Definition of ARCHETYPE - is a model. The realm of manifestations of archetypes is a subset of the realm of the geometrical archetypes. The model must exist within the realm of certainty first before it is manifested in the realm of contingency.

Archetypes exist in the realm of consciousness. Archetypes are immutable but their physical manifestations within the cosmos decays and dies.

Consciousness engendered the picture below. The schema below makes use of the circle as the basic pattern that characterize the cosmos. Analytically, the vertical axis represents the cosmic “spine” which represents the dimension of time whereas the horizontal axis represents the dimension of “mass’.

Both mass and time are analytical components of space.

Diagram of the component dimensions of space.

                                                                                                              Y-axis (time)

                                                                                                                   |I                                                                                                                                      |I                                                                                                                                       


……………………………..x-axis (mass)…

This model of the cosmos exists in the mind of a conscious planner. The cosmic manifestation is reflected as the plans or the archetypal blueprint at every level as shown above.


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