Links Blogged: The Fibonacci Sequence, Spirals and The Golden Mean and More

The Golden Ratio: How to derive it a+b/a=a/b=1.618..

How to Calculate the Golden Ratio - In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is φ, the golden ratio.


Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 where n>3 or n=3

Special feature of the Golden Number is it has a similar conjugate: Golden Ratio Conjugate: 0.618..

1 / 0.618 = 1.618.. = 1 + 0.618


x2-x-1=0, x(x-1)=1, we get x=0 or x=1 unit circle

1.618 is one of the roots of x2-x-1=0

The Fibonacci Spiral




  • Spirals and the Golden Ratio

Fibonacci numbers and Phi are related to spiral growth in nature.

If you sum the squares of any series of Fibonacci numbers, they -





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