What is the theory that we are part of a dream?

 It is true that we are all part of God’s dream.

We distinguish between that which is permanent, immutable from that which is ephemeral, fleeting.

Let’s take inspiration from the Sufi saint Muhyiddin ibn Arabi: - Translation: God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.


This pithy quote is arresting in the sense that it depicts and ascribes levels of consciousness with respect to God.

The meaning of reciprocity is immediately clear. Man is posited at pinnacle of God’s consciousness. Question is: Are we conscious enough to understand, even fathom this?

Each individual human being has within his intellectual arsenal all that is necessary to grasp that which lies beyond the myriad of cosmic expressions to come to the conclusion that we are part of God’s dream.

Physicality is ephemeral while its blueprint or archetype is everlasting. Our consciousness is powerful enough to understand that shapes - fractal geometry - are expressions of consciousness that will open our understanding that existence is God’s dream.

The thing about this approach is that one has to understand geometry sufficiently in order to fathom that there exist correspondence between subjective consciousness and objective fractals.

Fractals are rooted in the number 1.

The number 1 is not the range of values between 0 and 1 on a straight line but instead, it is the unit circle. The picture on the right is derived from the unit circle. It is a well known fractal called the Mandelbrot set and is the beautiful counterpart to the unit circle.

Within the visible light range, the Mandelbrot set will appear like this:


This is how dreams occur. They are a play of colors.

Fractals are associated with mathematical exponents too.

So we have one rule to express both beauty and power which are derived from one Source of consciousness.

Below is a discussion about consciousness..

The universe is a by and large a spatial phenomenon. And matter is a derivative of space. Space is derived from consciousness. As such, space expresses essential reality while matter is a spatial aberration.

Energy is a wave phenomenon. What is actually waving in energy? The answer to that is space. Matter is coagulated energy which a form of spatial phenomenon.

Space expresses a hidden reality in graphic form. Matter is derived from spatial archetypes or blueprints

Consciousness is a non local response to emptiness, a yearning for fulfillment.

"There exist no scientific theories explaining how consciousness is generated by material processes, nor does anybody have even a remote idea how something like that could possibly happen. The gap between consciousness and matter is so formidable that it is impossible to imagine how it could be bridged. In spite of the lack of convincing evidence that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain or matter, this basic metaphysical assumption remains one of the leading myths of Western materialistic science. While there exists no scientific proof for the fact that the brain generates consciousness, there are numerous observations indicating that consciousness can under certain circumstances function independently of the brain and of the world of matter. This philosophy is referred to as non-local consciousness." - quote is lifted from here: New Evidence Proves Consciousness Exists Outside of the Body & After Death

Researchers Prove Consciousness Can Exist Outside of the Body & After Death - New Evidence Proves Consciousness Exists Outside of the Body & After Death

What is Consciousness? From the Material Brain to the Infinite Mind and Beyond - What is Consciousness? Researchers Discover Surprising Origins of the Mind

The biggest clue that we are part of a dream is the ubiquity of the Fibonacci sequence. It would be correct to extrapolate that the Fibonacci sequence is the fundamental pattern in the universe and that the purpose of consciousness is to understand this.


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