If the universe had a purpose, what would happen if its goal were attained?

 There is a purpose as to why the universe exists.

I will state it: The universe is intended to bring pleasure to the Supreme Being. Can you fathom this and take consequences from it?

A picture speaks a thousand words..

The above picture shows one of the meanings to Plato’s allegory of the cave.

We are the puppets that play out the script accordingly. Do understand that the universe is the backdrop and the earth the stage upon which the drama of the universe is focused on.

Is free will an illusion then? It is an illusion from the point of view of the puppeteers but not from the point of view of the puppets.

There are two dimensions that causally determines whether one does right or wrong. One of the dimensions stand above the domain of the mundane choices that we make every day.

This first dimension stems from the domain of the inevitable, the domain of the immutable. This is represented by the vertical dimension - the y axis. Please see below. The domain of outcomes is limited and falls within the radius of the circle.

The second dimension is represented by the horizontal axis. The outcomes extend along the stretch between 0 and 2pi. This represents the illusory dimension of the universe. No matter how far the horizontal “activity” plays out - between 0 and infinity - it’s projection will never stray outside 0 and 2pi.

The universe is woven of mathematical rigor and musical play. Mathematical rigor is represented by the vertical axis while musical play is represented by the horizontal axis.

The projection accorded by the the horizontal axis allows from variety to be expressed in the universe.

The whole set up above represents the play of consciousness. The vertical axis which is the dimension of mathematical rigor is intelligence while the horizontal axis which is the dimension of musical play is love. The universe is woven of intelligence and love.

All varieties as manifested in the universe are fractaline in nature. Free will is fractaline in nature as well. From the vertical point of view, free will is deterministic. From the horizontal point of view, free will extends from 0 to infinity. The illusion of free will stems from the fact that in reality, 0 to infinity is the cycle between 0 and 2pi along the horizontal plane.

The purpose of the universe is attained if those who have the capacity to exhibit free will - humans and jinn - understand that their free will is an illusory manifestation of determinism at every level.

I will broach briefly the “problem” of evil.

The diagram above shows a certain type of geometrical construct known as the Mandelbrot set which is an efficacious model of the universe.

At iteration number 1019, a point z - the blue ball - has escaped. This is a deterministic escape because the the geometrical set up is well governed by the rules of fractal geometry. From the point of view of z, it has become free from the set. We describe the point outside the Mandelbrot set as “evil” because it appears to refuse to conform.

To be sure, evil and earthly laws to curb it exists so we must conform to laws and not stray outside it. That is also one of the roles of the human will.

When the goals of the universe is attained, each of us will be able to conform to the rigors of the traversing the colorful vortex trajectory and we will be able to the to stop at will whenever and anywhere we wish.

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