Why does the Fibonacci spiral appear in nature?

Once you recognize that there is no haphazardness in the universe, you should be able to recognize that the Fibonacci spiral which appears in nature is rooted in the realm of ideas that engender beauty.

The Fibonacci spiral is a fulfillment of beauty for consciousness.

The Fibonacci spiral is a mathematical pattern of organized information in the universe in order that beauty is expressed. The Fibonacci sequence is the deep structure of the universe. This Fibonacci data structure expresses a surface phenomenon. It is the way space is organized.


The above picture shows a data structure called a Fibonacci recursion stack. This data structure is used recursively in the universe.

Source of above graphic is slide 23 of Effective Algorithm for n Fibonacci Number by Professor Lili Saghafi -


Consciousness and space are intimately related. They are complementary ideas. Consciousness is the subjective form of objective space.

The universe is rooted in the realm of ideas.

The Fibonacci spiral appears in nature because of its particular properties: Self similarity and logarithm-exponentiation. As a case in point, both the flower and the hurricane are expressions of the same Fibonacci mathematical structure. A single source expresses both beauty and rigor in the universe. A single source engenders a myriad of manifestations.

The motivation behind why the universe exists is because there exist a particular consciousness that yearns for praises, admiration and awe for showcasing beautiful works.

Scienceabc - What is the Fibonacci Sequence & the Golden Ratio? Simple Explanation and Examples in Everyday Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tv6Ej6JVho

How to prove Fibonacci sequence with matrices?




The Fibonacci spiral approaches the Golden Spiral because the Fibonacci sequence tends to the Golden Ratio phi=1.618.. as the Fibonacci numbers tend to infinity.


The intended effect is to set the appearance of self similarity as depicted by the following diagram.. 

Soured of above diagram is Wikimedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GoldenSpiralLogarithmic_color_in.gif


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