Archetype: The Tree of Life is a Blessed Ontological Symbol

Your lungs!

No, I will not explain how life is dependent on oxygen, which anyone with basic knowledge of biology can easily explain.

I will allude to how fractal geometry is connected with the tree structure. The existence of structure and design principles associated with it implies the work of a conscious being who wishes to showcase beauty through continually creating and re-creating the cosmos.

The tree of life is the propitious fractal network structure that characterizes every level of the cosmos from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies.

There is a fundamental difference between waves and particles which needs to sink into one’s intellect before understanding becomes clear.

In terms of dimensions, the cosmos is optimized for surface area, which is two dimensional.

The tree of life is a blessed ontological symbol, or an archetype.

More about lung structure here:

There’s a wiki on this:

The quran mentions the word tree 66 times under a number of different contexts.

The tree that Adam encountered is the ontological fractal tree. The tree of life is the tree of knowledge. All knowledge can be found within.

The human being has been programmed to understand ontology, not so much discursively but intuitively.

The tree archetype was placed into Adam when he “encountered” the tree of life.

The fractal tree of life structure characterizes every level of the cosmos.

References: Fractal Trees -

Sacred Geometry Forms:
Flower of Life, Seed of Life,
Fruit of Life, Egg of Life, images and variations -



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