The Conjugate Principle of Unity


Ontology – one - and Conjugacy – two.

The cosmos is the conjugate of the Unseen Geometric Artist.

Conjugacy is the most basic – and also the ultimate - motivation behind the cosmos.


Conjugacy: Conditions for a stable iteration of the unit circle to engender a stable conjugate:


The Primordial Shape


Vertical and Horizontal dimensions of the universe - metaphysics
Rainbow vortex - earthly manifestation


Reference: The Mandelbrot set graphic is obtained from here: Matthias Book: Parallel Fractal Image Generation
The Mandelbrot Set -

Binary Fractal Tree (二元碎形樹)



Ontology in the Quran in connection with the word tree

66 SEARCH RESULTS FOR: tree in Quran (relevant)






Fractal analysis of the electrocardiogram signal


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