
Showing posts from September, 2021

Fibonacci Sequence: Back to Basics

Back to Basics The Linear Algebra View of the Fibonacci Sequence | by Andrew Chamberlain, Ph.D. | Medium - Sent from my Galaxy

What are some arguments suggesting that we live in a simulated world?

What are some arguments suggesting that we live in a simulated world? The fact that the human intellect - consciousness, intelligence and love - possess the capacity to grasp ideas, feel love and apply power tells me that these human faculties are subjective counterparts to their objective principles. Subjectivity and objectivity are incomplete without each other. Why should consciousness exist at all unless to have an object to be conscious about? The phenomenon of consciousness and its connection with beauty suggests that we live in a simulated universe. Consciousness and principles are complementary counterparts of each other. The realm of consciousness is posited higher than from the realm of sensations because sensations reflect subjectivity but not objectivity. One is conscious when one participates in both subjectivity and objectivity. Consciousness discerns principles from manifestation via truthful intelligence while it integrates principle with manifestation via love ...

What are the questions you consider to be big & important? E.g., how did the universe begin? Is spacetime continuous or discrete? What's the origin of life? How exactly does consciousness work?

Using geometry, humans have the intellectual arsenal to confront the universe. The most obvious aspect of the universe is that it is a spatial phenomenon which is why we can make use of geometry to study it. Let’s reduce the question to: What is the connection between geometry and consciousness? Which one do you think must come first and which comes after it? The first step is to recognize that consciousness precedes geometry. Geometry cannot exist before the existence of consciousness. Geometry - which is basically drawing - is an activity of consciousness. How does the structure of the universe look like and how is the universe and its structure connected to consciousness? Since consciousness is subjective, we can find out what its objective counterpart is. Consciousness is phenomenon that recognizes structure. With consciousness, patterns can be recognized. We muse that the universe is a phenomenon that lies between consciousness and patterns. Let’s investigate further.. The univers...

Key Cosmic Blueprint in Rainbow Colors

  The above image shows the core holofractal rainbow blueprint.of the cosmos. The cosmos is an exhibition of beautiful works that portray the idiosyncrasies of a single Source. Credits to Resonance Science Foundation

Primer: Do Muslims believe that the universe is a simulation?

The word simulation is laden with modern connotations which Muslims can do without. Muslims have their own lingo which they can use to good effect. There exist such a thing as intuition which Muslims - and everyone possess it - use as our personal guide. Using pictures in the mind is very much encouraged: “Worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you don’t see him, nonetheless He sees you” according to a well known tradition. Allah encourages us to increase our knowledge (Rabbi zydni ‘ilma). There exist a spiritual connection between the entire cosmos and Allah the Creator (al Khaliq), the Designer or one who bestows form (al Mussawir) that is intimate. How? We observe that there exist measure and proportion that pervades throughout the cosmos. We study the forms of natural objects and we come to the conclusion that they conform to a certain geometrical pattern. All processes in nature are to deliver this geometrical pattern. Allah uses a definite geometrical pattern to set the universe...

The Fibonacci Metric is Well Defined in the Realm of Ideas as an Expression of Consciousness to Exhibit Beauty in The Universe

  Self similar scale invariant property of the Fibonacci Metric is illustrated above. Consciousness has a metric associated with it. It is called the Fibonacci metric and is well defined. The Fibonacci Metric is well defined in the realm of ideas. It is an expression of consciousness to exhibit Beauty.   An immediate consequence of this conception is the fractal tree which is expressed as the plan view of the universe. Self similarity and scale invariance is prefigured in the plan.      The above diagram shows the fractal blueprint of the cosmos. This blueprint pervades the cosmos from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies. This image expresses a plan view perspective Reference: Sunflower Spiral and the Fibonacci Metric -