What are some arguments suggesting that we live in a simulated world?

What are some arguments suggesting that we live in a simulated world?

The fact that the human intellect - consciousness, intelligence and love - possess the capacity to grasp ideas, feel love and apply power tells me that these human faculties are subjective counterparts to their objective principles. Subjectivity and objectivity are incomplete without each other. Why should consciousness exist at all unless to have an object to be conscious about?

The phenomenon of consciousness and its connection with beauty suggests that we live in a simulated universe.

Consciousness and principles are complementary counterparts of each other. The realm of consciousness is posited higher than from the realm of sensations because sensations reflect subjectivity but not objectivity. One is conscious when one participates in both subjectivity and objectivity. Consciousness discerns principles from manifestation via truthful intelligence while it integrates principle with manifestation via love for beauty.

The realm of ideas, which is the realm of principles, is real and permanent while the realm of manifestation, which is physical realm is ephemeral and fleeting. Physical things break down, decay and even die. Not much reality in physical things. Ideas by their very notion exists forever. Images last forever which is unlike their physical manifestations, which may or may not exist at all, which does not last forever and may even have an “expiry date”.

Once you are able to distinguish between the realm of principle as opposed to the realm of manifestation, the door to understanding will be opened.

At this juncture, I appeal to your understanding of archetypes or blueprints which lie in the realm of ideas in order that you can connect the dots between fractal geometry and the realm of manifestation, accept the former as exhibiting reality - permanence - and the latter as exhibiting ephemerality - transience.

To be conscious is to exhibit understanding of structure and that which fulfills it.

The picture on the left shows a galaxy. The filament arrangement of stars fulfill the galaxy structure. The picture on the right shows a tree with branches. That is their horizontal physical structure

Both the galaxy and the tree structures exhibit a clear middle galaxy core and tree trunk respectively while their periphery exhibit a clear filament arrangement of stars and tree branches respectively.

Both the galaxy and the tree exhibit a central structure with peripheral offshoots.

From the center-periphery structure of both the galaxy and the tree informs me that there exist the factor of design that come in play behind their constituent parts. The center-periphery structures are not haphazard structures. They are mathematically rigorous structures which are known as fractals.

Mathematical structures can only arise if we posit consciousness prior to them before they are exhibited.

The aim of the existence of the universe is for a certain consciousness to exhibit beauty.

The material in the link below shows this aspect of academia is on the right track..


Fractal Geometry as a Bridge between Realms -


Mandelbrot & Co - explore the infinite beauty of fractals:




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