If life is fundamentally unfair, does the symbolic 'scale of justice' exist in reality? Is it even a component of the real world?



If life is fundamentally unfair, does the symbolic 'scale of justice' exist in reality? Is it even a component of the real world?


There exist parameters which determine the likelihood and inclinations of events in the life trajectory of a human being.

The real world is the unseen world of principles. The real world is the realm that engenders the realm of appearances.

For example, whenever one sees a tree, one immediately see it symbolically -


- rather than view it as opaque. There exist pure mathematical principles that engender reality in the cosmos.

Plato has a deep discussion about this.

In reality, life on earth is only for a very short while and humans will have to try their best to be at their best behavior while they are on earth.

Whatever the initial conditions, there exist compensation and propitious opportunities that will come along in the course of one’s life trajectory on earth. These opportunities are built in features that will manifest itself along the course of a life trajectory.

Applying discernment and recognizing beauty is unavoidable in the course of life on earth. Applying discernment means to distinguish between truth and error and recognizing beauty is to extol and praise the form that reflects the truth. Beauty which is attachment to the truth is to exhibit sincerity. Assiduousness in remembering one’s primordial condition - prayer - paves the way to truth in a beautiful way.

The challenge in life is to hold on as much as one can to principles that uphold justice.

If one view the trajectory of life as disinterested - read geometric - and not attach oneself to the physical results of one’s personal efforts, then one is exhibiting maturity.

Further reading:  On the Dynamics of Active Aging - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230843899_On_the_Dynamics_of_Active_Aging/download



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