Mathematics Cannot Emerge Without Consciousness



Obvious Signs Ignored.

Mathematics cannot appear without a creator because mathematics cannot appear without consciousness.

There is a huge gap between human consciousness and animal consciousness. The level of consciousness of a human being exceeds animal consciousness by levels not attainable by the animal.

Animal conciousness is directed towards downwards its own survival and that of its own kind whereas human conciousness is directed upwards to places “where no man has gone before” to use a well-known quote from popular culture.

The difference between human and animal conciousness is not only a matter of degree but also a matter of modality.

Human consciousness does have the capacity to reach higher levels in a variety of ways whereas animal consciousness is limited to satisfying its biological functions and not much else. The role of animal play is directed towards fulfilling its biological function. Children on the other hand transcend their biological selves by using their imagination. The scope of human imagination goes far beyond that of merely fulfilling biological wants.

Animal imagination is limited in scope whereas human imagination is unlimited in scope. Herein lies the difference between the human being and the animal.

Human conciousness transcend the physical realm. Human consciousness can understand the interconnectedness of the cosmos.

Mathematics and consciousness is a conjugate pair. Mathematics is the objective form of subjective consciousness.

From the point of view of ontology, consciousness existed prior to and gave rise to mathematics. This is a truism which needs no elaboration.

The act of counting is a distinctive activity of conciousness which is associated with beauty.

Mathematics cannot arise from the absence of consciousness.

Beauty is the direct result of counting. I am referring to the Fibonacci sequence that is the universe exhibits to repletion.

The cosmos is beautiful because of the conscious activity of counting.

Beauty is embedded in the activity of counting.

Mathematics connects beauty to consciousness.

The beautiful patterns that are exhibited throughout the cosmos is the direct result of the activity of counting.



The spiral patterns that the cosmos exhibits at every level is the result of the manifestation of Fibonacci prime numbers, extrapolating the discovery of Stanislaw Ulam

The beauty of the cosmos is rooted in the Fibonacci prime numbers, which is basically the beauty of one.

Consciousness is one that connects itself to the myriad of manifestations via prime numbers.

This is a roundabout way to express the integral unity of the cosmos.

Humans in the past scratched spirals into rocks to express unity of the cosmos.

Stone art spirals and the fish symbol in Middle Eastern culture express the same meaning: cosmic uniity of the wave phenomenon.

Further Reading: 

What is the relationship between prime numbers and fibonacci numbers? 2D Fibonacci spiral and Primes -


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