On Dogma as it relates to Metaphysics

What lines of inquiry could the phrase "Truth is an elusive concept in the absence of a dogma" offer to discovering the essence of reality? What could that phrase provoke us to consider in our desire for certainty?

Levels of objective truths exist in accordance with subjective receptivity.

I am able to discern (1) knowledge of certainty, (2) reality of certainty and (3) eye of certainty.

(1) Knowledge of certainty is associated with discursion. At this level one runs the risk of running into a mismatch between one’s personal subjective receptivity and the definitive objectivity. For example, Young’s Double slit experiment: If one is not cognizant of the architectural levels of reality, which are characterized by the vertical and the horizontal levels of the cosmos, one is likely to misinterpret it.

There exist light associated with the human being.

Even worst than that, the average man or woman would not want to discuss about the light within and without the human being which extends from the infra red to the ultra violet.

The role of the light aura which is associated with the individual human being is significant because it acts as a record keeper very much like a magnetic disk on top of guiding individual actions like a compass, that is, whether any action is upright or not.

Some people would consider that as the conscience

It is very possible to talk about weakness and strength of a person’s conscience.

A human being’s free will is intimately - even imperatively - associate with the individual’s light aura.

(2) The reality of certainty lie at a deeper level than knowledge of certainty. At this level, the human being yearns to be dress him/herself with pure and sincere thoughts all the time and actively dismisses distractions that diminishes the light within.

(3) The third level - the eye of certainty - is the deepest level. At this level, every action and thought is for love of the reality.

Frankly, I don’t qualify to mention all of the above because I personally have not tasted the stages but I do know that they exist from my personal discursive study of the dimensions that make up the human being as it relates to the cosmos.

Dogma steers one into metaphysics and the esoteric paths associated with metaphysics. Dogma restricts in order to steer the individual from the wide gates of religion to the narrower door of the light that shines within. Dogma insists correctly that etiquette or manners must be upheld whatever one confronts. Boorish behavior is to be discouraged, even condemned. The ends do not justify the means.

Not everyone is interested in metaphysics and esoterism. In fact, the majority is likely to dismiss it as mambo jumbo or dismiss it because they think that the end is not attainable.

The end of metaphysics and esoterism is to consistently participate and reflect truth in a beautiful way. An intuitive understanding of integrity and unity would be prerequisites to participation. In this regard, there exist spiritual exercizes that the individual can do to accentuate and differentiate the spiritual from the physical over and above regular worship.

Humans are comprised of the wave phenomenon at every level. Humans are wavelets in the ocean of waves in the cosmos.

The human being like the wave phenomenon does have characteristics but each human being should not reflect individuality or the ego. The wave phenomenon do not have an individual ego. The human being characteristically reflect the wave phenomenon.

The above shows both the bare vertical spiritual as well as the horizontal physical structure of the cosmos as well as the human being.

The human being is also structurally the same as the cosmos at every level. In that sense, each of us owe it to our individual selves to understand and more significantly to participate integrally in the cosmos as much as possible.

The primary motivator for me is the discernment of patterns that exist in the realms that inform me that there must exist structural principles that belie physicality that engender appearances in the realms.

These patterns are called fractals.


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