Ontological status of mathematical entities

 Mathematical entities are the roots of the cosmos.

Mathematical entities exist in the imaginal realm which encompasses all other realms. All that is possible is encompassed within the imaginal realm. The imaginal realm is infinite.

The cosmos we live is based on the idea of space as the ontological root of all existent things.

Space engenders time and mass upon differentiation.

To be precise, two dimensional circular space engenders time and mass upon differentiation.



Referring to the picture above, the vertical dimension expresses time whereas the horizontal dimension expresses mass. This is how space is related to time and mass.

Briefly, the vertical dimension of time is immutable because cyclical whereas the horizontal dimension of mass stretches to infinity and therefore gives the illusion of dissipation.

In reality, all cosmic drama occurs within one unit area of a circle


The unit circle is special because of a number of characteristic properties that it engenders which include stability and integrity.



The above picture shows the Mandelbrot set.

The unit circle conjugate is the reason why the cosmos is beautiful. Beauty in the cosmos is characterized by the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set is the most famous fractal.

Fractals are beautiful mathematical objects that are manifested in the cosmos.


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