Was the universe made for us?

 Yes, the universe was made specially for the human being.

The focus is on the human being, his (used as a universal pronoun to include all human beings) character, and his behavior.

The earth is the dramatic stage upon which the spotlight is shone upon for all the characters to play their assigned scripted roles.

Most unfortunately, the current scientistic paradigm leaves no room for the role of character in their scheme of things, which does not reflect the whole reality.

In contrast, the fractal formulation of the cosmos allows for the role of character to come into play. How? The fractal formulation of the cosmos which is based on pure mathematics must necessarily include consciousness as the integral part of the scheme of things.

Consciousness detects beauty versus ugliness in character. Consciousness detects integrity versus deceit.

In connection with the natural realm, consciousness detects its beauty first over and above its functionality. The cosmos is literally a two dimensional tapestry of beautiful forms.

“What Shape Is the Universe? Our universe is flat, geometrically.” resonates with my thoughts, lifted from here: What Shape Is the Universe?

A graphic explanation is shown below:


Consciousness is used to discern the difference between geometry and physicality, between the spirit and the physical realm, between principle and manifestation.

The patterns in nature characterize and reflect beauty that human consciousness can detect quickly.

There are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe — but there’s no place like home: There are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe -- but there's no place like home suggests to me that the earth is set up or rigged for a certain purpose

Physicists suggest that planet earth is a “statistical anomaly”. To me, the scientistic community is not using the full power of their consciousness or that for some reason they are barking up the wrong tree to find the answers they are looking for.

The cosmos is a geometric phenomenon, not a physical one. A little less dense perhaps: The cosmos is in principle a geometric phenomenon which is displayed as such, physicality being its mirage.

To me, once a person realizes that there exist purpose behind the cosmos, that person has opened his/her mind to resonances that lie within, that is to say, consciousness has opened its way for that person’s mind..

Discussion: Why we need to figure out a theory of consciousness: Why we need to figure out a theory of consciousness

Quote from the great mystic Rumi: “You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”

I will leave you with more of Rumi in the hope that at least one of his numerous insightful sayings will resonate with your consciousness: 375+ Insightful Rumi Quotes on the Universe’s Beauty - 375+ Insightful Rumi Quotes on the Universe’s Beauty


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