What is reality and why does it exist?

Reality - the Real - is unseen but yearns to be known so It created the cosmos so that It will be known. Loneliness - the yearning for companionship - was the key motivating factor why Reality created the cosmos.

Reality existed before time, mass, and space which It conceived in order to set the stage for the cosmos and the drama on it to be played.

The cosmos is and continues to be in the imaginal realm that Reality conceives.

Reality was looking for a permanent companion.

In order for that to happen, It had to conceive the perfect companion. That companion must exhibit beautiful characteristics so that it appears desirable to Reality.

Reality conceived the cosmos so that the cosmos appear continually beautiful.

Fractal geometry continually accords beauty to the cosmos.

Fractal geometry is scale free. Beauty is everything.

Geometrically, the size of the cosmos is the iteration of 1 unit radius under z=z^2 and all the drama of the cosmos is played within it.

Once the dimensional stage is set, the focus is on the human being, the aim of which is to find out whether or to what extent the human being is able to exhibit the beauty that lies within.

Only when the human being shines from within does it deserve to be the companion of Reality.

The picture above shows fractal beauty for your delectation. It is scale free and reflects depth of the soul.

Some has said,”The motions of the cosmos is the motions of love”, which I readily agree.

Reality loves beauty. It would also be accurate to say that the cosmos is the conjugate to Reality.



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