Are humans intelligent? 

Are humans intelligent? 

Those who can connect the dots and see the pattern are intelligent.Trust in the patterns that you see and understand that these patterns reflect beauty.

There are many people who are intelligent.

Intelligence per se cannot guarantee that one uses it intelligently. 

Other factors other than intelligence are usually the cause of abuse of intelligence. 

The rise and fall of man is usually not caused by intelligence nor the lack of it. 

The quality of the human being is in character which is the role that s/he plays on the cosmic stage. 

Can humans fathom that the vast expanse of the cosmos is reflected within themselves otherwise knowledge would be impossible? Humans are fully capable of understanding the cosmos.. 

The entire cosmos exhibits a single structure. 

The cosmic structure is associated with beauty and only secondarily is it associated with function. If one is not even willing to entertain that cosmic beauty is associated with its structure, then one is abusing one's intelligence. 

Physical manifestation is characterized by geometric principles. Get this right please. 

Physicality - the physical realm - is an extension of the spirit. The wave phenomenon that charcterizes the cosmos is rooted in the spirit. Physicality is an illusory manifestation of the spirit. Only by admittng and facing principles correctly treating them as such, we can be fathom the realm of manifestation which reflects principles. Very brefly, the principles that are reflected in the realm of phenomenon is associated with conjugate geometry.


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