If we really do live in a simulation, why are we able to think about it?



Source of graphic: Fibonacci vs. Prime Numbers: https://www.flickr.com/photos/quasimondo/3784494627/


We do live in a simulation

The purpose of the simulation is to know and love the simulator.

The character of the simulator is that He (used in a genderless sense) is beautiful and loves beauty.

One must be able to discern that beauty of the cosmos is the motivation behind the purpose of the simulation.

For the human being, the purpose of the simulation is to reflect beautiful character, by participating in its integrity

A quick aside: The cosmos is the conjugate of the simulator. The cosmos is comprised of the exact same blueprint that engenders the macro cosmos (or the universe out there) as well as the micro cosmos (or the human being). The most important aspect of the cosmos is beauty.

The simulator yearns for beauty to be exhibited by humans via praise and glorification.

Prayer is to praise and glorify the simulator.

In human prayer, the simulator praises Himself.

The reason why we are able to think about the simulation is because of the principle of self reflexivity that is built into the human being.

Understanding the architectural principles behind the cosmos is beyond the capacity of most human being. It’s an esoteric subject which excites only people who have the inclination and the discipline to make a study of it.

Enter the human intuition. The human intuition is a powerful faculty that humans can use to grasp beauty that reflect integral unity of the cosmos. The human intuition is associated with the eye of the heart:


Short Description:

The eye of the heart, the organ of intellectual intuition.

Long Description:

The Intellect, or eye of the heart, is the faculty of direct spiritual or intellectual knowledge. Contrasted with the eye of the body and the eye of the reason.

I hope that the materials that follow will not be abused:

To see a world in a grain of sand | by Victoria Cleverby | Medium https://medium.com%2F@medium.com/@victoria.cleverby/to-see-a-world-in-a-grain-of-sand-b2e6b3721437

It is an exercise of the mind to formulate a theory for beauty. I will allude to a possibility. Beauty is associated with Fibonacci numbers and the following article will lead the way..

Beauty is associated with proportion in connection with the number 1.618, which is the conjugate to the number 1.

‘Golden Ratio’ and ‘Fibonacci Numbers’: The Ultimate Toolkit for Defining the Geometry of Universe -


Is beauty also associated with the number 1? Are spirals in nature are associated with prime numbers? Spirals are the most beautiful things that are expressed in the natural realm.

If you think that the phenomenon of spirals is supernatural, you are not the first to think so.

Nor will you be the last.

Further reading:



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