What is something that others don't know which would make them question reality?



The Divine Face wears the cosmos as a mask.

What most people view as reality is what they can only see with physical eyes.

This is wrong because appearances deceive. The physical human vision suffers from skewed vision. On the other hand, the eye of the heart is better equipped to see that which otherwise cannot be seen with the physical eyes.

The eye of the heart, (is) the organ of intellectual intuition. Source:


The physical realm is a mirage, an apparition. A mirage appears real but it deceives and does not really exist or it does not exhibit reality substantially.

The physical realm masks the realm of principles.

The cosmos is woven of mathematical rigor and musical play, both of which are rooted in as well as exhibit fractal principles.

Divine consciousness engenders the cosmic realm similar to the way in which humans dream. The cosmos is the dream of the Divine.

Human consciousness reflects Divine consciousness.

There are two aspects to consciousness: (1) Intelligence to grasp truth and (2) Love of beauty. Both intelligence and love are needed to see the Divine Face.

Consciousness has two eyes: The eye of intelligence to see the truth and the eye of love to see beauty.

The cosmos exhibit characteristics that consciousness can understand. These characteristics are associated with conformal geometry. A conformal transformation is defined as a geometric transformation that preserves angles. It’s this aspect of the cosmos that makes what is in it beautiful and a joy forever. Because angles are preserved, we can feel cosmic love. This aspect makes patterns in the cosmos familiar, and yet every pattern is expressed differently.

Fractals are lusciously beautiful geometric shapes in the cosmos which are delightful to the eyes because they exhibit characteristics that our consciousness can understand, even savor.

The eye of intelligence views the cosmos in terms of patterns - structures - which are analyzable. On the other hand, the eye of beauty views patterns as an extension of truth, principles being inherently and integrally beautiful.

The cosmos is not a physical phenomenon. It is a geometric - mathematical - phenomenon. Because the cosmos is Divine, it exhibits the best of proportions in order that beauty is portrayed.

The best of proportions are associated with the Golden Ratio. More about that here: Examples Of The Golden Ratio You Can Find In Nature -


Finally, using any technology, no matter how small we try to view the smallest physical entities in the cosmos, it will eventually display its distinct two dimensional bias thereby telling us that the physical universe is an apparitional manifestation of a two dimensional structural reality which is its real face.



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