Psychedelica: Beauty, Consciousness and the Cosmos

We are alone but we are not expected to be lonely.

The cosmos belongs to the realm of ideas and should be treated as such.

The universe is comprised of angels (which are made of light, specifically the ultraviolet spectrum), jinn (which are made of heat, specifically the infrared spectrum), animals, plants and non-living things such as rocks, which are solid, liquids such as ocean water, and gas such as air and that the human being encompasses all the above plus all that the above does not have, which is full consciousness and that we are “alone” despite the existence of the all the above mentioned.

We shouldn’t be lonely though because we can find companionship among ourselves.

The following pithy quote by a well known Sufi named Muyiddin ibn ‘Arabi (1165–1240 AD) who lived in Spain is poignant at this juncture: “God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animals and awakens in man.” which allude to various levels of consciousness.

Human consciousness comprise subjectively of intelligence and will, each of which correspond objectively to truth and beauty respectively.

The counterpart to subjective consciousness as such is objectively, power.

I subscribe to the concept the cosmos lie in the realm of ideas and there exist a supreme being who is the source of the cosmos.

I do not subscribe to the notion of the cosmos is the result of an explosion near or at the begining of time.

Time does not flow like an arrow but instead is cyclical. Time is a cyclical phenomenon.

The notion of cycles is a reflection of the number 1 in the sense that while the vertical dimension remain stationary, the horizontal dimension revolves around the middle point. Harmonic motion exhibits the number 1.

Harmonic motion is exhibited in the heavens above in the motion of stars and galaxies and on earth as climatic seasons and ocean tides.

The supreme being is lonely and wishes to companionship so He - used in a genderless sense - conceived of the cosmos which He personally desires.

One of the characteristics of the cosmos include reflexivity, meaning every aspect of the cosmos must beautifully reflect the supreme being. This is achieved using what is known today as fractals, which are mathematical objects and therefore belong to the realm of ideas.

Secondly, praise. Every aspect of the cosmos praises the supreme being.

The supreme being gave rise to the cosmos willingly and so He conceives of beings like Himself who is willing to be His companions. Our vocation while living on earth is to praise the supreme being willingly and sincerely, as much as we can while we are alive on this earth until we die, after which we go on another journey which makes use only of our consciousness because our consciousness have been detached from our physical bodies, which decays and decomposes.

The stage which is the cosmos is reflected in the miniature as earth.

The role of human consciousness is to recognize, understand, if not fathom that the patterns in the realm of nature are the result of the work of Supreme Consciousness who is concerned about presenting the most beautiful works in order to impress humans.

While on earth, each human being look for companionship because of loneliness.

The Supreme Being on the other hand, is incomparable and His loneliness is the reason why the cosmos and humans exist.

The Supreme Being is 1 and finds that 1.618.. reflect 1 in a manner which is beautiful and so the Supreme Being makes use of the ratio 1:1.618 to reflect beauty in the cosmos. The ratio is also the basis for visual and audial harmony.

In reality, the Supreme Being continually blows out the cosmos at every moment with no time lapse between each moment.

Below shows a schema which illustrates the blowing phenomena by the Supreme Being except that in reality each blow occurs infinitely quickly.


The image above exhibits a two dimensional phenomenon which ties in well with the two dimensionality of the cosmos.

The psychedelic quality of the sounds in realm of nature - ocean waves, birds chirping, leaves rustling, rainfall - are fractaline in structure that reminds us of the soothing presence of the One.

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