Have you considered that faith is based on certainties, unlike the many theories, suppositions, and philosophies of the world?

 Yes, it is true that I consider that faith is based on certainties, unlike the many theories, suppositions, and philosophies of the world. I prefer to use the word “principles” to mean “certainties”. Both words express the same meaning for our purposes. Faith is to trust the unseen consciousness that lie behind and constitute the source of all phenomena.

Certainty is based on geometrical principles which expresses the realm of principles. There is a connection between geometrical principles and certainty in that both are immutable, permanent, unchanging.

The fractal structure of the cosmos is preserved at every level of manifestation.

I begin with the premise that the cosmos results from consciousness. The source - the Source - just one can be discerned from the multiplicity of phenomena.

We can discern that all of phenomena exhibits characteristics that point to a single source. I will capitalize the word source as Source because it is a living being. It is characterized by consciousness. This living being exhibits idiosyncrasies such as yearning for sincere companionship, hatred for insincerity and subterfuge, love for beauty and gentleness, and hatred for brutishness.

Faith paves the way for love of beauty and knowledge of truth to come into play in one’s life. Love of beauty and knowledge of truth come from the same Source.

Faith exists to channel human energies towards one purpose, which is to please the Source. Faith is a legitimate dimension of the intellect.

How do we conclude that the cosmos comes from a single source? The human intellect is totally capable of understanding this.

Faith, love and knowledge are dimensions of consciousness. They exist in the realm of principles. Faith in the unseen principles is the door that opens to knowledge of truth and love of beauty. Knowledge of truth and love of beauty fortifies faith.

I have shared the following before and I will share it again to emphasize poignant points. Galaxies and trees conform to fractal geometry.

The above picture compares two distinct phenomena which conforms to one geometrical principle: galaxies in sky above versus the tree on earth. Both phenomena exhibit fractal branching and are therefore pleasing to the human eyes. Fractal branching expresses geometrical principles in order to exhibit beautiful varieties. Briefly, both phenomena exhibit a central trunk that branches out sideways into many filament structures.

From this perspective, which we can say is the vertical perspective or the plan view, which is the two dimensional view from above the phenomenon, the central trunk cannot be perceived because it is hidden from the eyes.

Fractals geometry is exhibited at every scale in the cosmos and underpins its structure. Fractals patterns are beautiful manifestations of an expressive consciousness.

Fractal geometry is the design aspect of the cosmos. It is with this beautiful purpose that the Source brings forth the cosmos. The cosmos and all that exists in it are beautiful exhibitions of fractal patterns.

The following is an illustration of how fractals are used to design a tree:


The above diagram what is called a Pythagorean fractal tree. Fractal geometry rejoins Plato’s archetypes or ideals as the foundation of the cosmos which results from conscious design. The fractal tree is the foundational pattern of the cosmos.

I am propounding the point of view of the cosmos on the basis of knowledge and love of fractal patterns which is paved by faith.

There is an aesthetic connection between fractals in the cosmos - the sky and the earth - and conscious design. Fractals exist to fulfill a certain conscious designer’s wish to express love and beauty.

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