Why do Fractals Appear in Nature?

The flower of life configuration is the fractal blueprint of the cosmos.

Fractals appear in nature because the one who sustains the cosmos wants to showcase beauty.

The cosmos is also used by its sustainer as a mirror in which it views itself.

The sustainer is pleased with the cosmos because it reflects the beauty of the sustainer.

Fractals are principally 1: 1.618 which is the Gold Standard in Aspect Ratio.


You may come across a hundred answers to this question that gives the answer “how” fractals appear in nature but never “why”.

Reasons answer the question why while process answers the question how.

Beauty is the reason behind why the sustainer wants the cosmos to exist.

Fractals are the framework - the blueprint - of the cosmos.

Fractals constitute the architectural blueprint of the cosmos. The cosmos is a never-ending drawing - or an eternal musical concert - of a conscious being which loves beauty. Basically, the cosmos is art.

The cosmos is woven of mathematical rigor and musical play. Cosmic music is the basis for the myriad of forms that are exhibited in the cosmos.

The blueprint of the cosmos fulfils the same purpose as the architectural blueprint of buildings or a painting in that it has the stamp of the designer.

Do humans have the capacity to discern and extract the design aspect - the essence - of the cosmos from its physicality - or substance?

Surely, the human being has the capacity to discern between the drawing plans of a building versus the building itself? To be sure, every part of a building is an expression of its drawing plans. In precisely the same way, every part of the cosmos exhibits the intention of the drawing plans.

Matter is substantially magnetism but exhibit a fractaline essence.

The optimization of beauty via fractals in the cosmos screams a Supreme Artist is intimately close.

Matter or magnetism fills up fractaline space in the same way that building materials fulfill the plans of the architect and the ACGT code of DNA fulfill a spiral design. Having said that, much of the cosmos is occupied by space, not matter or magnetism, and so we should be have a solid theory about space and should think of matter as a dimension of space. Physicality should be studied as a dimension of space.

Closely related to the concept of space are logarithmic spirals which are mathematical objects that are beautiful.

Logarithmic spirals are related to fractal patterns and exhibit a fractal zoom characteristic which is deliberate and intentional.

It is this zoom effect which lingers and gnaws at us whenever we appreciate natural fractaline beauty. Why is that so?

Answer to that: Natural fractaline beauty is the object of our subjective consciousness: beauty and consciousness constitute a complementary - conjugate - pair.

Beauty and consciousness form a lock and key combination.

The link below is a competent overview of the meaning of “conjugacy”.


Qualitatively, a conscious being expresses beauty by extracting 0.618 from the number 1 and using both together in various combinations as a principle in the realm of manifestation in the cosmos. The configuration of the cosmos - which is associated with the word 'cosmetic" - is structurally 2 dimensional.

Observations of galaxies tell us that these all appear to be 2D, that is, each galaxy's shape appears to be confined within some sort of invisible plane. But why couldn't a galaxy take a more 3D form?

Answer to that is consciousness is a 2D phenomenon and 2D expresses the cosmic surface phenomenon. Understanding that consciousness engenders beauty as a 2 dimensional structural surface phenomenon is of key importance. 


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