Reality is not Diametrically Opposed to Human Comprehension

I would agree that reality - the realm of principles - stands in stark contrast to the realm of appearances but I do not agree that "reality is diametrically opposed to human comprehension."

Humans do possess the intellectual capacity to understand, even fathom reality to very deep levels.

It is not true that reality is opposed to human comprehension.

Reality is not diametrically opposed to human comprehension. As long as you keep focused on principles, that should lead you to the truth about reality.

The thing about truth is that it is inextricably associated with beauty. There are a number of ways to understand the connection between truth and beauty. 

One is not expected to possess "specialized" knowledge under any subject area to understand the connection between truth and beauty. 

We are endowed with intuition and are expected to use it in order to arrive at the conclusion that all natural phenomena are the results of the work of a Supreme Being, a supreme consciousness which wants to display beauty and to take consequences from knowledge about this.

An intuitive method of understanding reality is through discernment between geometry versus material manifestation of the display of natural phenomena. The material manifestation fulfills the intended Fibonacci geometrical patterns in order that beauty is expressed.

Consciousness which encompasses intuition is subjective while geometry is objective. Geometry entails consciousness. Geometric design precedes the use of materials that fulfills it.  

It is a good thing if a person can discern between the realm of principles from the realm of manifestation. The realm of principles are immutable and are directly associated with geometric design. In contrast, the realm of manifestations are directly associated with the fleeting, the ephemeral, the temporary.

Reality is sophisticated in the sense that sincerity is required in order to understand it intuitively and to participate in it. It is not necessary to have a discursive understanding of reality to be able to participate in it. An intuitive understanding of reality will suffice. To participate in the simulation entails praising and pleasing the Supreme Being.

Reality is sophisticated because it is intended to display the most beautiful works, even intended for the most psychedelic experience possible, for humans.

It makes sense to me that reality expresses beauty in the cosmos. The cosmos is the stage on which beauty is displayed. Humans are totally capable of coming to the conclusion that the variety exhibited by the the cosmic display at every level expresses the idiosyncrasies of a single source and that the source expects deference and praises for it. 

Humans possess the faculty of discernment which we are expected to use to distinguish the realm of principles from the plethora of manifestations.

We discern that the beautiful manifestations in the cosmos at every level is structured. That is one of the purposes of consciousness. We are conscious of the fact that beauty reflects a certain immutable structure.

The principle that engenders this structure can be analyzed in terms of space. The cosmos is a spatial phenomenon. Because the cosmos is a spatial phenomenon, our intuition can grasp that the patterns engendered therein conform to patterns that reflect the beauty of the consciousness of the Supreme Being.   

The aim of the Supreme Being in developing reality is to find out (1) whether the human being  - creatures possessing will and intelligence - can discern between truth and falsehood and (2) attach themselves to the truth about reality, which is beauty.

The same principle that governs beauty also governs power in the natural realm: The mathematical laws of indices which governs beauty so as to produce the logarithmic spiral formation also governs power to express exponents. One source of consciousness uses the principle of mathematical indices to express both beauty and power.

The realm of manifestation can be represented by the following picture.

The picture above represents the realm of manifestation. As a whole, the visible spectrum - the minuscule blips - is important only insofar as it forms the focus of reality. There are many other beings that exist within the entire spectrum, most of which lie outside the visible spectrum. We call some of them angels - ultraviolet radiation in the higher frequency range - and others we call jinn - infrared radiation.

The realm of manifestation fulfills the purpose embodied by principles. Another way of saying this: The aims of realm of principles is fulfilled by the realm of manifestation.

The principles that make the manifestation possible is vastly different from what you see above. The structure required to make manifestation possible is discernible via information theory. The cosmic information - principles - that we can discern from the  realm of manifestation is expressed below.

Source of above graphic: Recursive Fibonacci Method Explained By Bennie van der Merwe – Medium

- Recursive Fibonacci Method Explained

It is called the Fibonacci call function stack - or the Fibonacci recursion - stack and fall within the topic of data structure.

The following shows the above data structure in graphic form

This is a sophisticated data structure which we can fathom if we are able to extract data from the cosmic manifestation.

The same stack of information above engenders vastly contrasting phenomena in the cosmos. 

I will show just two contrasting phenomena found on earth which are engendered by the same data structure.

(1) Flowers: These express beauty.

(2) Gales or strong winds. For example the gale that destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.

The mathematical structure behind flowers and gales are the same: indices or mathematical exponents.

Reference:  Laws of Exponents -


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