Consciousness Engenders Beauty with Sophistication

I believe that reality conforms to the rules that engender beauty.
I have trust in the beautiful configurations as exhibited in the realm of nature.
Beauty is associated with concepts such as design structures and proportions.
Reality is sophisticated and not diametrically opposed to human comprehension.
Humans do have in their intellectual arsenal all that they need to comprehend reality.
By our existence, we are mirrors of reality because human consciousness is the subjective form of reality, which is objective.
Beauty is all around us in the natural realm.
The natural realm favors what I and many others would have noticed as “self-similar” structures. Another way of saying this is that the natural realm favor certain fixed patterns that replicate themselves under vastly different scales. 
More about that here: Recursion in Nature, Mathematics and Art by Anne M. Burns -
Why should that be so? 
These patterns linger in one’s consciousness because they are beautiful and one wishes them to be around one-selves often. In other words, these patterns are desirable.
Patterns are fixed spatial arrangements. Given any pattern, no matter how one chooses to analyze it, it will always display the same immutable geometric properties. 
At this juncture, I will state that consciousness and geometry are inextricably linked.
There is a firm connection between space and reality which is often overlooked if not deliberately deliberately ignored. The universe is a spatial phenomenon and should be treated as such.
We make use geometry to analyze reality. What kind of objective characteristics does reality portray? Answer: Geometry is the objective form of subjective consciousness. Geometry and consciousness are objective-subjective counterparts to each other.
Reality is comprised of (1) pieces information that (2) are arranged in highly structured ways. We note the ubiquity of the Fibonacci sequence in the cosmos.
The Fibonacci sequence exhibit the following data structure.
Source of above graphic comes from here: Recursion VS Iteration – An Analysis with Fibonacci and Factorial - Recursive Fibonacci Analysis - Knowledge
The graphic shows a form of data structure called a “stack.”
This is the reason why I think reality is sophisticated: A stack of data engenders beauty.
The above data structure when applied recursively gives rise to the Fibonacci spiral as shown below, a structure which is strewn throughout the natural realm.
Is there a “programmer” that wishes to display beauty via the cosmos? I say yes, there exist a programmer that wishes to display beauty in the cosmos and a sophisticated one at that.
Inspiration:, and al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 6906. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani] “Verily, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. He loves the loftest of affairs and disapproves of pettiness.”

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