The Deep Structure of Consciousness

The Structure of the Consciousness

I will broach the topic of the cosmos as a spatial phenomenon.

We can take on the cosmos in terms of space because we do have the tools for such an endeavor.

What kind of clues does the cosmos reveal about its structure?

We note that the cosmos is favorable towards the Fibonacci sequence given the ubiquity of spirals and tori exhibit in the realm of nature

Why is that so? Because the Fibonacci sequence engenders self similar beautiful structures, its proportions exquisitely suggesting that a Supreme Architect is at work..

In designing the cosmos, the Supreme Architect uses what is known mathematically as a "function call stack."


Source of above graphic is slide 23 of Effective Algorithm for n Fibonacci Number by Professor Lili Saghafi -

This piece of information links the cosmic manifestation with mathematical principles. The existence of data structure is evidence of design in the cosmos. In fact,  this is the deep data structure of the cosmos. 

The aim of the cosmos is to exhibit beauty. There exist an unseen consciousness who is eager to showcase its beautiful work in order to receive praises.


The formula above, which is associated with beauty, involves the use of recursion to get things going iat every level of the cosmos.

Space is the objective counterpart to subjective consciousness.


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