The Simulation: Purpose

 Yes, we are living in a simulation otherwise our consciousness would be superfluous, inexplicable.

Consciousness can only originate from consciousness.

The vision of the modern scientist is skewed in the sense that they are unable to come to the conclusion that the scientific aspects of the cosmos tells only half of the story of the whole cosmos, the other half being beauty or esthetics.

Consciousness is a response, a yearning. Yearning for what?

The answer is Beauty. Beauty is a rigorous concept that should be treated as such. Beauty is a great deal more than what the eyes can behold. There exist objectivity in beauty. The objectivity in beauty lies in proportion and familiarity. Briefly, the ubiquity of fractals screams of a definite source.

Beauty manifests itself in a myriad of forms and is rooted in archetypes or blueprints. Archetypes are geometric in property and is the root of the cosmos.

The cosmos - every aspect of it - belongs to the realm of ideas.

It is true that the universe - every parameter in the simulation - is rigged to produce life on earth, which is the stage upon which the cosmic drama is focused. All aspects to life and death on earth is rigged to make the simulation work. For each human being, every detail of every script has been written before hand.

Whatever variety one encounters while going through the simulation, the principle behind it comes from a single Source, which cherishes and loves the simulation passionately because the simulation maintains the Source’s interest. The simulation is beautiful in the eyes of the Source.

The aim of the simulation is to answer the question: Can humans recognize that in the face of the myriad of cosmic expressions (1) lie a single source (2) which seeks praises from humans?

The above picture shows the well-known fractal called Mandelbrot set (the black area). To refuse to praise the Source of the simulation is to step outside the Mandelbrot set.

I use the Mandelbrot set as the model of the cosmos, all of which lie very much within the realm of ideas.

The picture above illustrates the concept of a “deterministic escape’, points which have escaped from the Mandelbrot set. The Mandelbrot set is a stable set of points.

We can use this picture to imagine how evil occurs. Evil stands outside the stable Mandelbrot set. Evil in this sense is deterministic even as it goes outside the black area because it has already been mathematically predetermined by its initial parameters.

The link below shows another picture of the Mandelbrot set.

The same Source which brings about beauty in the cosmos also exhibits power via the same exponential laws - fractal principles. As a case in point, the image below shows the Tacoma Narrows bridge “galloping” in the wind.

An application of fractals is discussed here:

Here’s a more pleasant manifestation of fractal principles: the sunflower spiral -

Self reflexivity or complementariness is built into fractals. Fractals and consciousness are complementary pairs, fractals being the objective forms while consciousness is the subjective form.


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