
Showing posts from April, 2021

Are humans intelligent? 

Are humans intelligent?  Those who can connect the dots and see the pattern are intelligent.Trust in the patterns that you see and understand that these patterns reflect beauty. There are many people who are intelligent. Intelligence per se cannot guarantee that one uses it intelligently.  Other factors other than intelligence are usually the cause of abuse of intelligence.  The rise and fall of man is usually not caused by intelligence nor the lack of it.  The quality of the human being is in character which is the role that s/he plays on the cosmic stage.  Can humans fathom that the vast expanse of the cosmos is reflected within themselves otherwise knowledge would be impossible? Humans are fully capable of understanding the cosmos..  The entire cosmos exhibits a single structure.  The cosmic structure is associated with beauty and only secondarily is it associated with function. If one is not even willing to entertain that cosmic beauty is associate...

Links blogged: The Fractal Nature of Consciousness, Intuition and Neural Networks

  The above picture shows the neural network structure of galaxies Inspiration: Meaning: The stars and the trees bow down ˹in submission˺ and Meaning: We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is a Witness over all things?     Dark Energy Survey - Large Scale Structure:   The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks: Not strange at all if one understands the idea of conjugacy which is structurally exhibited within and outside each of us: As within, so without. As above, so below.  The principle of conjugacy is to allow for beauty to exhibit itself. The Fractal Nature of Consciousness and Intuition - https://www.resear...

If we really do live in a simulation, why are we able to think about it?

  Consciousness. We do live in a simulation The purpose of the simulation is to know and love the simulator - The character of the simulator is that He (used in a genderless sense) is beautiful and loves beauty.     Picture shows a branching fractal, which is a characteristic of galaxies as well as human thoughts. One must be able to discern that beauty of the cosmos is the motivation behind the purpose of the simulation. For the human being, the purpose of the simulation is to reflect beautiful character, by participating in its integrity A quick aside: The cosmos is the conjugate of the simulator. The cosmos is comprised of the exact same blueprint that engenders the macro cosmos (or the universe out there) as well as the micro cosmos (or the human being). The most important aspect of the cosmos is beauty. The simulator yearns for beauty to be exhibited by humans via praise and glorification. Prayer is to praise and glorify the simulator. In human prayer, the simulator ...

What is something that others don't know which would make them question reality?

    The Divine Face wears the cosmos as a mask. What most people view as reality is what they can only see with physical eyes. This is wrong because appearances deceive. The physical human vision suffers from skewed vision. On the other hand, the eye of the heart is better equipped to see that which otherwise cannot be seen with the physical eyes. The eye of the heart, (is) the organ of intellectual intuition. Source: The physical realm is a mirage, an apparition. A mirage appears real but it deceives and does not really exist or it does not exhibit reality substantially. The physical realm masks the realm of principles. The cosmos is woven of mathematical rigor and musical play, both of which are rooted in as well as exhibit fractal principles. Divine consciousness engenders the cosmic realm similar to the way in which humans dream. The cosmos is the dream of the Divine. Human consciousness reflects ...

Some people have criticized the subject of philosophy for preventing the further development of science. But isn't it a massive misconception?

Yes it is a massive misconception to criticize philosophy for preventing the further development of science. There is wisdom and love in philosophy that characterizes the human being that modern science denies. Humanity is characterized by philosophy, which necessarily encompasses ethics, aesthetics and natural philosophy It is ok to want to improve one’s life. There is a great deal of scope in the philosophical approach to science than one can give it credit for. What we call science today was known as natural philosophy a couple of centuries ago. Science or modern science as it is known today did take a wrong turn when the “empiricists” discarded immanence from their perspective. Modern science - as opposed to traditional perspectives of the cosmos - is fragmented. How do we know that it is fragmented? Because it is framed within a set of questions that exclude critical parameters that deserve to be evaluated on its own merits. Now, there is the connection between Fibonacci prime num...

Links Blogged: The Fibonacci Sequence, Spirals and The Golden Mean and More

The Golden Ratio: How to derive it a+b/a=a/b=1.618.. How to Calculate the Golden Ratio - : In geometry , a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is φ , the golden ratio . Graphically:   Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 where n>3 or n=3 Special feature of the Golden Number is it has a similar conjugate: Golden Ratio Conjugate: 0.618.. 1 / 0.618 = 1.618.. = 1 + 0.618   x2-x-1=0, x(x-1)=1, we get x=0 or x=1 unit circle 1.618 is one of the roots of x2-x-1=0  using formula x=-b+-sqrt..   x2-x-1=0   x2-x...

If we really do live in a simulation, why are we able to think about it?

    Source of graphic: Fibonacci vs. Prime Numbers : Consciousness. We do live in a simulation The purpose of the simulation is to know and love the simulator. The character of the simulator is that He (used in a genderless sense) is beautiful and loves beauty. One must be able to discern that beauty of the cosmos is the motivation behind the purpose of the simulation. For the human being, the purpose of the simulation is to reflect beautiful character, by participating in its integrity A quick aside: The cosmos is the conjugate of the simulator. The cosmos is comprised of the exact same blueprint that engenders the macro cosmos (or the universe out there) as well as the micro cosmos (or the human being). The most important aspect of the cosmos is beauty. The simulator yearns for beauty to be exhibited by humans via praise and glorification. Prayer is to praise and glorify the simulator. In human prayer, the simulator prais...