
Showing posts from March, 2021

Archetype: The Tree of Life is a Blessed Ontological Symbol

Your lungs! No, I will not explain how life is dependent on oxygen, which anyone with basic knowledge of biology can easily explain. I will allude to how fractal geometry is connected with the tree structure. The existence of structure and design principles associated with it implies the work of a conscious being who wishes to showcase beauty through continually creating and re-creating the cosmos. The tree of life is the propitious fractal network structure that characterizes every level of the cosmos from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies. There is a fundamental difference between waves and particles which needs to sink into one’s intellect before understanding becomes clear. In terms of dimensions, the cosmos is optimized for surface area, which is two dimensional. The tree of life is a blessed ontological symbol, or an archetype. More about lung structure here: https://www.sciencedire...

The Conjugate Principle of Unity

  Ontology – one - and Conjugacy – two. The cosmos is the conjugate of the Unseen Geometric Artist. Conjugacy is the most basic – and also the ultimate - motivation behind the cosmos.   Conjugacy: Conditions for a stable iteration of the unit circle to engender a stable conjugate:   The Primordial Shape           Vertical and Horizontal dimensions of the universe - metaphysics     <= conjugate =>     Rainbow vortex - earthly manifestation   Reference: The Mandelbrot set graphic is obtained from here: Matthias Book: Parallel Fractal Image Generation The Mandelbrot Set - Binary Fractal Tree ( 二元碎形樹 ) -   Ontology in the Quran in connection with the word tree 66 SEARCH RESULTS FOR: tree in Quran (relevant) ...

What is reality and why does it exist?

Reality - the Real - is unseen but yearns to be known so It created the cosmos so that It will be known. Loneliness - the yearning for companionship - was the key motivating factor why Reality created the cosmos. Reality existed before time, mass, and space which It conceived in order to set the stage for the cosmos and the drama on it to be played. The cosmos is and continues to be in the imaginal realm that Reality conceives. Reality was looking for a permanent companion. In order for that to happen, It had to conceive the perfect companion. That companion must exhibit beautiful characteristics so that it appears desirable to Reality. Reality conceived the cosmos so that the cosmos appear continually beautiful. Fractal geometry continually accords beauty to the cosmos. Fractal geometry is scale free. Beauty is everything. Geometrically, the size of the cosmos is the iteration of 1 unit radius under z=z^2 and all the drama of the cosmos is played within it. Once the dimensional stage ...

If life is fundamentally unfair, does the symbolic 'scale of justice' exist in reality? Is it even a component of the real world?

        If life is fundamentally unfair, does the symbolic 'scale of justice' exist in reality? Is it even a component of the real world?   There exist parameters which determine the likelihood and inclinations of events in the life trajectory of a human being. The real world is the unseen world of principles. The real world is the realm that engenders the realm of appearances. For example, whenever one sees a tree, one immediately see it symbolically - - rather than view it as opaque. There exist pure mathematical principles that engender reality in the cosmos. Plato has a deep discussion about this. In reality, life on earth is only for a very short while and humans will have to try their best to be at their best behavior while they are on earth. Whatever the initial conditions, there exist compensation and propitious opportunities that will come along in the course of one’s ...

On Dogma as it relates to Metaphysics

What lines of inquiry could the phrase "Truth is an elusive concept in the absence of a dogma" offer to discovering the essence of reality? What could that phrase provoke us to consider in our desire for certainty? Levels of objective truths exist in accordance with subjective receptivity. I am able to discern (1) knowledge of certainty, (2) reality of certainty and (3) eye of certainty. (1) Knowledge of certainty is associated with discursion. At this level one runs the risk of running into a mismatch between one’s personal subjective receptivity and the definitive objectivity. For example, Young’s Double slit experiment: If one is not cognizant of the architectural levels of reality, which are characterized by the vertical and the horizontal levels of the cosmos, one is likely to misinterpret it. There exist light associated with the human being. Even worst than that, the average man or woman would not want to discuss about the light within and without the human being which...

Ontological status of mathematical entities

 Mathematical entities are the roots of the cosmos. Mathematical entities exist in the imaginal realm which encompasses all other realms. All that is possible is encompassed within the imaginal realm. The imaginal realm is infinite. The cosmos we live is based on the idea of space as the ontological root of all existent things. Space engenders time and mass upon differentiation. To be precise, two dimensional circular space engenders time and mass upon differentiation.     Referring to the picture above, the vertical dimension expresses time whereas the horizontal dimension expresses mass. This is how space is related to time and mass. Briefly, the vertical dimension of time is immutable because cyclical whereas the horizontal dimension of mass stretches to infinity and therefore gives the illusion of dissipation. In reality, all cosmic drama occurs within one unit area of a circle . The unit circle is special because of a number of characteristic properties that it engen...

Mathematics Cannot Emerge Without Consciousness

    Obvious Signs Ignored. Mathematics cannot appear without a creator because mathematics cannot appear without consciousness. There is a huge gap between human consciousness and animal consciousness. The level of consciousness of a human being exceeds animal consciousness by levels not attainable by the animal. Animal conciousness is directed towards downwards its own survival and that of its own kind whereas human conciousness is directed upwards to places “where no man has gone before” to use a well-known quote from popular culture. The difference between human and animal conciousness is not only a matter of degree but also a matter of modality. Human consciousness does have the capacity to reach higher levels in a variety of ways whereas animal consciousness is limited to satisfying its biological functions and not much else. The role of animal play is directed towards fulfilling its biological function. Children on the other hand transcend their biological sel...

What is required for acceptance that the supernatural has influened reality?

An intuitive understanding of the vibrational wave phenomenon and its cosmic pervasiveness is required for an acceptance that the supernatural has influenced reality. An intuitive understanding that the cosmos is a beautiful tapestry is an excellent way to fathom the connection between the supernatural and reality. It’s not necessary for people to know the structure involved in order to accept that the supernatural has influence over reality. Reality is geometric in nature. The cosmos is characterized by a certain geometric structure associated with the golden mean. The human being is equipped with a sense of the unseen which is sufficiently powerful on top of reasoning powers. It’s called the intuition. The intuition and consciousness are connected via the geometric wave phenomenon that pervades throughout the entire cosmos. The cosmos is comprised of waves of consciousness which we call magnetism. Magnetism is an invisible phenomenon that connects the unseen realm with the visible re...

Why does determinism deny the existence of several phenomena, such as voluntary actions (free will) and stochastic processes?

 Distinguishing the difference between the realm of certainty and the realm of possibility - or contingent outcomes or simply contingency - is crucial for answering this question. We begin with certainty or all-possibilities which is 100 percent. We must recognize two vastly different and distinct realms of existence: the first is the realm of certainty, of all-possibilities, which is 100 percent of the total number of possibilities and the second is the realm - some - possibilities, or contingency, which is the domain of manifestations which constitute less than 100 percent because not every possibility is manifested in the realm of contingency. The realm of certainty is associated with immutable principles and fractals while the realm of contingency is associated with manifestations and the physical realm which is characterized by decay and death. In the realm of certainty, all events have been determined before hand. In the realm of certainty, the domain of all possible occurren...

Why do you think this world is a simulated reality?

Beauty. The main reason why I think so is because of the existence of beauty in nature. Galaxies are flat. Why? The primary motivation behind the existence of the universe is to showcase beauty. The realm of nature is the result of a powerful conscious being who optimizes surface area and volume - basically space - over the dimension of mass. This is the most important clue that we must not miss. Mass or matter is molded into beautiful patterns under certain clearly defined principles, principles that conform to the rules of fractal geometry. More about fractal geometry here: Fractal Geometry The universe is flat because beauty is optimized. Two dimensions is just right. The picture above shows the designs of trees: an archetypal tree. The conscious being whom we call the creator of the universe is very particularly about beauty. That conscious being wants to present to us the best images that it can create in order to impress us. The conscious being - the creator with supreme artistic...

Was the universe made for us?

 Yes, the universe was made specially for the human being. The focus is on the human being, his (used as a universal pronoun to include all human beings) character, and his behavior. The earth is the dramatic stage upon which the spotlight is shone upon for all the characters to play their assigned scripted roles. Most unfortunately, the current scientistic paradigm leaves no room for the role of character in their scheme of things, which does not reflect the whole reality. In contrast, the fractal formulation of the cosmos allows for the role of character to come into play. How? The fractal formulation of the cosmos which is based on pure mathematics must necessarily include consciousness as the integral part of the scheme of things. Consciousness detects beauty versus ugliness in character. Consciousness detects integrity versus deceit. In connection with the natural realm, consciousness detects its beauty first over and above its functionality. The cosmos is literally a two dime...